We have updated Pygoscelis Papua Linux, our unofficial build of Gentoo Linux, for March 2023.

Region AMI ID Arch Instance Type AKI ID Timestamp
ap-northeast-1 ami-0708419d35cbb1f38 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
ap-northeast-2 ami-00f6c8db2e1c95471 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
ap-northeast-3 ami-00d954771f6a37661 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
ap-south-1 ami-0f77bd80674e2eed9 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
ap-southeast-1 ami-07dbb825071e9a3b4 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
ap-southeast-2 ami-06835d946d3101c73 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
ca-central-1 ami-08b50a7befa39ca63 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
eu-central-1 ami-0992508841e5bdc24 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
eu-north-1 ami-030ac550091934fdf x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
eu-west-1 ami-014c4c4bbf86dfce1 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
eu-west-2 ami-0318d8e5b1da8a2a4 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
eu-west-3 ami-0cf9f0df1695c77e3 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
sa-east-1 ami-0cbadf4557b8ebbaa x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
us-east-1 ami-0285595a32adf1f06 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
us-east-2 ami-0a03380eddaee0c59 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
us-west-1 ami-01f1d4c1ac3a1d1e8 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
us-west-2 ami-05e9a1a944ae07722 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-03-12-05-15-22
Gentoo is a trademark of Gentoo Foundation, Inc. The Dowd and Associates Gentoo in the Cloud and Pygoscelis Papua Linux machine images are unofficial builds and are not part of the Gentoo project and is not directed or managed by Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
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