We have updated Pygoscelis Papua Linux, our unofficial build of Gentoo Linux, for January 2023.

Region AMI ID Arch Instance Type AKI ID Timestamp
ap-northeast-1 ami-044ee5e4282471a08 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
ap-northeast-2 ami-0440f54dae5102a9e x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
ap-northeast-3 ami-07489ba88f43d476f x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
ap-south-1 ami-0ced3fc7d52fd28d2 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
ap-southeast-1 ami-0e620af93588c8fcd x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
ap-southeast-2 ami-0e5dbb9b0de8d87b7 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
ca-central-1 ami-0d0a861c7e6799025 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
eu-central-1 ami-06efd4c1adaae9f9f x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
eu-north-1 ami-079860a33e05484e7 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
eu-west-1 ami-04aee72fe0ac1706c x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
eu-west-2 ami-0c216a5504477c650 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
eu-west-3 ami-0c02875ffe62195a0 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
sa-east-1 ami-0f9cfa213994d6c42 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
us-east-1 ami-0d1c36c4403663f2d x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
us-east-2 ami-0dc82eb16ea6b4be1 x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
us-west-1 ami-0832cc72a9e90616a x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
us-west-2 ami-07e0209981aeee68b x86_64 hvm:ebs hvm 2023-01-20-00-34-10
Gentoo is a trademark of Gentoo Foundation, Inc. The Dowd and Associates Gentoo in the Cloud and Pygoscelis Papua Linux machine images are unofficial builds and are not part of the Gentoo project and is not directed or managed by Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
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